Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday April 17

Today my parents, sister, and her kids came to see me. I love when they come because they don't get to a lot. We went to eat at La Huazteca ( of course) and went shopping. I also showed them the HAUNTED funeral home in Covington.

He's gonna kill me for this.....

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Today has been a very lazy day. We had planned on going to the Easter egg hunt in Brighton today, but decided against it when we saw how windy it was.  So today has been a cleaning day. Jaycee actually helped!!!

Here's a few pics from this last week.....

                                                                       We went to play.....

                                   I heard the door slam on Thursday... and this is what I found.....

Saturday April 9

I am playing catch up from last week. Maleyia and Jaycee spent the weekend. I knew that it would too pretty to stay in, so off we went to the zoo.
We had a great time. It was a really nice day. It wad fun watching Jaycee. She is old enough to start enjoying the zoo. Here are a few pictures from our day.